Get relief from shoulder pain with Kinesiology Tape

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We usually hear that kinesiology tape facilitates the people to get relief from the shoulder pain. This tape is gaining extreme popularity among the sportsmen because it gives instant relief from the pain in a different manner as compared to the traditional tapes. A kinesiology tape allows the area round the muscles to be flexible and allows the flow of blood coupled with the speedy healing in every manner. If we talk about the traditional tape then first difference is that it restrict the free movement of muscles and keeps the tendons and tissues to stay still. If we compare both these tapes then no doubt kinesiology tape is a better option than the traditional one. There is a specific way of applying kinesiology tape in order to get the desired results.

Use of this kinesiology tape was brought to spot light after it was used by an Olympic volley ball player named Kerri Walsh. He was seen wearing a unique tape around her back and shoulder to get relief from the shoulder pain. This was the first time and then this tape got popular among the athletes to get rid of the shoulder pain. In no time it became the first choice of athletes whenever they had some kind of shoulder or back injury. In today’s modern world, this tape is used equally by sportsmen as well as common men to get rid of the shoulder pain. It is indeed a natural way of treating and healing the body speedily.

Application of the kinesiology tape:

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If your neck and shoulder both are injured then the kinesiology tape will be applied in a way that tape is cut in “Y” shape and turned upside down in a manner where the edge of “Y” goes down to neck and the branches spread out across the shoulder. Keep the neck bent forward while applying the tape so that it spreads equally along the shoulder blades and press down the tape on the injured area.

Though there are several brands of kinesiology tape available in the market but not all of them can be used with trust and peace of mind. One of the reliable names in this regards is the Vara. You can look for kinesiology tape buying and get rid of the neck and shoulder pain in easy and effective way. Visit their website varatape to get detailed information about the kinesiology tape. This will enable you to see if it will meet your requirements and then make the decision related to kinesiology tape buying.


  1. Is it possible to use patella brace instead of 2 small VARA tape? Do they have the same function?

  2. Definitely sports tape is very much helpful for supporting and protecting the muscles. You have shared such a wonderful information. Thank you for sharing with us.
